Report - Food Autonomy of Africa through Structural Reforms
On 26 April 2023, the independent tripartite High Level Group on Africa Europe Partnership continued its role as a laboratory for EU...
Trade policy in the context of the US Inflation Reduction Act and the EU Green Industrial Plan
On 7 March 2023, at the request of the chairman, Mr John Bruton, the executive director of the HLGs, Stefan Schepers, chaired the meeting...
Framework conditions for a successful energy transition & a competitive carbon-neutral EU economy
On 23 March 2023, the independent tripartite High Level Group on Financing Sustainability Transition chaired by Mr Pier Carlo Padoan...
Summary Report following the meeting on 25 May 2016
Download​: Summary Report HLG Governance System Innovation - May 2016
The role of forestry in a bioeconomy
The Chair, Mr. Esko Aho, welcomed all members, stressing that the aim of the newly established HLG on Forestry and Biomaterials is to...
Innovation and governance for the forest sector
The Chairman, Mr Esko AHO, former Prime Minister of Finland, welcomed the Members at the 3rd meeting of the High Level Group on Forestry...
Handling the energy crisis and the de-industrialisation risk
During its meeting on 1 December 2022, the independent tripartite High Level Group on Financing Sustainability Transition chaired by Mr...
Food security, production, and biodiversity
Report and Recommendations of the 9th Meeting of the High Level Group Biosphere and Economy Innovation, chaired by Mr Phil Hogan, former...
Towards more efficient management of political risks
In its 11th meeting the HLG on Trade Policy Innovation continued its brainstorming on Political Risk Management in global value chains,...
Implementing the sustainable finance strategy
During its meeting on 27 September 2022, the independent tripartite High Level Group on Financing Sustainability Transition continued to...