innovation policy

The HLG on Innovation Policy Management was launched under the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union in December 2011 with the objective to develop recommendations how to complete and improve innovation policy in the EU. The HLG developed the concept of European Innovation Ecosystems. The Group's ideas were presented at the informal meeting of the Competitiveness Council (COMPET) in May 2013.
Thanks to the positive reception of the report and its recommendations, the HLG was asked to re-convene and continue its work. This resulted in a comprehensive report with over 56 concrete recommendations. They were presented by the Italian Presidency to the Council and the Commission and served as inspiration for its reform and innovation initiatives.
In 2019, the HLG elaborated a new Blueprint for the European Council and the new Commission : ‘The five Herculean Tasks of the new Commission’. It focussed on managing the risks of climate change, enhancing Europe’s economic security through competitiveness and innovation, empower the welfare and territorial dimension in policy making, research and innovation for the public good, and public governance innovation.
From 2012 till 2021, it was chaired by Klaus Gretschmann, former director general at the Council Secretariat.
Under revision
The following people, from the European and national public sector, from corporations and from academia, gave their time and expertise to the work on innovation policy management:
Download: HLG Innovation Policy Members List
Under revision